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Mobile App Development Company

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Mobile App Development Services

Amplify digitally with Codiant’s remarkable knack in mobile app development . The highly experienced and passionate team of Codiant is rewarded with the unconventional wisdom of designing breakthrough mobile apps that improvise brand repute, boost the performance indicators and increase the sales incredibly. We discern the pulse of your business needs accurately after a sincere one to one conversation with you and then come out with an interesting mobile app solution that completely fits your company’s needs. Do you have an Idea? We can deliver you an exceptional mobile app that is an absolute olio of creativity and profitability.

BenefitsOf Mobile App Development


Health And Fitness

of products are purchased using smartphones.


Travel & Hospitality

of tours are ordered from mobile devices.



of food are purchased using smartphone or tablets.



of high school students use smartphones to educate themselves, compared to 28% in 2012.


Realtime Communication

of people worldwide are using audio-video chatting on their mobile phones.


Internet Of Things

of organizations have planned to eventually implement IoT, whereas 50% have already ad opted.


Real Estate

of property are searched online using real estate apps.


Social Networking

of the population have a social networking profile, where around 60% of the population have at least one social account.

MVP Development

Building a perfect and polished app can take hundreds of hours of development time, which undeniably comes with sweep of expenses- where there’s no guarantee that people will even use it. But by building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), startups can minimize the development time and maximize the chances of building something people actually need and this way calculate the risk associated with the success of app in the market.

    By building and launching the MVP first you can:

  • Test your business project by quickly moving to market.
  • Minimize initial development costs.
  • Save your time and efforts.
  • Get early adaptors and first paying customers.
  • Get user opinion about your product.
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How We Work

Your Idea

  • Analysis of competitors
  • Define the business goals
  • Pick features to meet business goals
  • Define risks


  • Define the location of elements on the screen
  • Provide User Experience
  • Prepare Use Cases


  • 5 suggestions of logo
  • 3 suggestions of screen design
  • Description of user friendly interface practices applied.


  • Development plan with deliverables
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Straightforward hours tracking
  • Development Schedule


  • Test app for your control check
  • Automated API tests
  • Quality assurance

Submit To Store

  • Consultation on Apple Store and Play Market guidelines
  • Submission of the code to stores
  • Guiding through the process
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